E6 Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective BLOG
15 May 2021
Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards) I am selling, tshirts, water bottles, glasses, and towels Any notable shortcomings, bugs, problems, or additional features not implemented? <br>Yes, There was a lot of things that I had...
Evaluation Guidelines
Class Retrospective BLOG
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E5 Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay
28 Apr 2021
Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details What we did for assignment 2 was creating functioning user database with a login page and a registration page. We had do have...
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E4 Progress in Programing
05 Apr 2021
My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways I very much agree with that my programing skills have greatly improved since the start of the class. I have started to adopt way better habits than what I had...
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E3 Preparing for WOD's
23 Feb 2021
Invoice 1 Here is a link towards further instructions and details towards completing the Invoice 1 https://dport96.github.io/ITM352/morea/060.expressions-operators/experience-invoice1.html this WOD was about creating an invoice for an online order, and also how to calculate the different parts of the order without...
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E1 The first WOD's
15 Feb 2021
Browser History 1 When I first tried to start the first WOD I had no idea what to do, I ended up watching the video and after watching it I felt pretty comfortable that I could do it on my...
First WOD's
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Why I chose to major in MIS
15 Jan 2021
When I was taking BUS 311 during the summer of 2020. I founf this class very interesting and it made me more interested in information systems and the importance of them. After looking into information systems more on my own...
University of Hawaii
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