I very much agree with that my programing skills have greatly improved since the start of the class. I have started to adopt way better habits than what I had before, for example always saving everything I do, and to copy and paste from my code to avoid misspelling. What I also have learned is to check if it working regularly, this has made it a lot easier for me to see when I do something wrong and a lot easier to change since I then know better what I did and what I changed and then go back and see more easily why it did not go as planed. Another thing that I have realize is that I need less help then what I used to, one example of this is that I do not need to go back and watch the lectures as much as I used to, to understand how the lab works. Another thing is that I have not been feeling as dependent on the screencasts to be able to solve the WOD’s and I feel pretty confident in solving them, however the screencast is still nice to have if I get stuck.
I think that I still need to work more on my HTML forms that we did in lab 12 since I think that this was something difficult both in the lab and in the assignment 1. Also what I realized that I need to start doing is copying the names instead of typing it in again since this was something that was causing me issues in the assignment.
I have been less dependent on the screencasts for the last WOD’s, but I still feel like I would need a screencast if I get stuck.
I believe that the labs are very helpful to learn, but sometimes I think that there are things that are missing from the labs that we had to do in assignment 1, this might have been since I did not understand everything as well as I should have.
I feel somewhat confident to work on the next stage, I still was not super confident on some of the parts for assignment 1 and that is the reason why I would not be totally confident on moving forward to the next stage, however with some more practice I believe that it would be fine, but it would take a lot of work for me.
What I have noticed is that a lot of the time when we are repeating things in class from previous class or from a WOD we go very slow to make sure that everyone understands that, but when we get to the new thing we speed up a lot and go very fast making it a lot harder to follow along in class with the new things which is usually a lot more difficult and I have realized if I fall behind on something It is very hard to catch back up in class because of the very fast pace when going though the new things.
I really like that we spend repeating what we have done before to make sure that everyone is up to speed and so that they can continue to work with the class and not fall behind. I also like the screencasts for the WOD’s I think that this is a big help if you get stuck or if you do not know how to start then I think that these are a big help.