I am selling, tshirts, water bottles, glasses, and towels
<br>Yes, There was a lot of things that I had issues with, setting up the session, the cookie and in all honestly I was having difficulties with everything of this assignment and not much was working in my favor when doing this.<br>
This might seem as a bad thing to say but what I am most proud of is that I finished the assignment since when we started the assignment I did not think that this would be something that I was going to be able to do.
I am least happy with my design of my website I do not think that it looks very good.
I thought that it was very different from the other assignments there was a lot more thinking required into this assignment and not that much code, I also believe that in this assignment there was a lot more work that had to be done and learned outside of the labs compared to the other assignments.
When I ran into problems I addressed the Professor.
Not much worked well doing this assignment, after I got help from professor port it worked a lot better.
I’ve said this a lot in this assessment but I thought that this assignment was extremely hard and if I did not have the office hours with professor port I would not have gotten very far in this assignment. The professor was extremely helpful in guiding me on what I should think when I am working on it and also where is should start to focus and not to do to many things at once.
I learned a lot about looking up information and what to look for when you have no idea where to start on a project.
I would start the assignment earlier and also ask the professor for help right away instead of trying to figure something out that I did not know how to do, I believe that the extra time as well as being on the right path from the start would have put me in a lot better place finishing this assignment.
I am not sure at all about this estimate but I would estimate that 40% was spent thinking and looking at how to do the code, 50% on writing the code and 10% on testing.
I worked by myself