What we did for assignment 2 was creating functioning user database with a login page and a registration page. We had do have this work in a specific way so that the user had to login before they could see their invoice. The server also had to validate that the username and password matched with what was in the database. Also when registrating the server had to check that the username was not already taken and also that the password and repeat password matched with each other.
Here is my github link to the assignment 2: https://github.com/mburman99/ITM-352-s21-repo/tree/main/Burman_Max_Assignment2
I learned that Professor port is a great help and the best resource to go to when I am stuck. I also learned that when there are names and specific variables that I am using over and over again, it is better to copy and paste them this makes it so that there are no spelling errors. I also learned that things in this class often do not take the time that I thought it did and almost always took longer than expected. One more thing I learned was that
I worked on the assignment by myself
When I needed help and got stuck I reached out to Professor Port for help. I believe that I had 3 meetings with him and they were all very helpful. What I needed help with was to validate the login and registration. I had issues with it not showing when the username was incorrect and when the password did not match. The same issue I had with registration.
At first I thought that this assignment was a lot easier and I did not have issues getting started on this assignment compared to the first one, however once I ran into issues I thought that the issues I ran into were harder to fix than the first assignment. I also started earlier for this assignment so I had more time to solve the problems which might have been why I thought that it was a bit easier since I was not as stressed over it and had more time.
I would say that I spent 25% of the time thinking about how I would do it, 65% writing the code and 10% testing
What worked well for me in this project was getting started and setting up the different pages that we needed such as login and registration page
What did not work well was the validation on the server for the login and registration, something that I also had issues with was that I forgot to ad in the query to keep the quantities that were selected, but once I figured this out it was an easy fix.
I would probably start earlier and have tried to understand better during the lab to help me have an easier time to complete this assignment.