Here is a link towards further instructions and details towards completing the Invoice 1 this WOD was about creating an invoice for an online order, and also how to calculate the different parts of the order without having to hardcode the numbers.
Overall I belive that this WOD was pretty easy, at first I did not realise where I had to put the variables for the different prices. To help me with this I looked at the screencast and qiuckly reaslised where I had to define the variables and after this out the WOD was very straight forward. However, I had some issues while recording the WOD with the mic not working which resulted in that I had to record it all over again, which was an annoyign extra step.
To prepare for this WOD I did not do anything different compared to the other WODs, what I did was that I first tried to complete it by myslef and since I got stuck on where to define the variables I looked that this in the vidoe, and after that I continued to do the work on my own and if I would get stuck in some placce I would look at the vidoe for the specific part to help me solve only that.
To prepare for the next WOD I might go back and look at the class readings and the screencasts to help me refresh my memory and I belive that this might also be benefitial in a way that I might not need to use the video help when first attempt the WOD and might help me to figure the assignment out on my own.